Redirects 404 7.x =================== =================== Version 7.x-1.1 =================== - [#2076963]: Redirect module integration; save confirmed redirects. - Change simple redirect to include a Request URI (if specified via token) - Fix variable_del name for 'redirect_404_content' =================== Version 7.x-1.0 =================== - Review Issue #12 [#1950228] by chx: Remove extra parenthesis. - Review Issue #10 [#1950228] by klausi: Remove check_markup from redirects_settings_validate(). - Review Issue #8 [#1950228] by pagolo: Fix notices for 2xx status code - Review Issue #3 [#1950228] by artem.taranyuk: Changed the title to 'title callback' for user configured page title. - Review Issue #4 [#1950228] by klausi: Changed the module to use drupal_http_request(), as opposed to cURL. - Add options for request_uri token as part of server path, added search paths (ie: if nothing is found, do a search), added simple redirect if previous options do not redirect, added option to use the previous value from site_404 variable added configurable 404 page. - Initial commit of working code.